After building and painting Brother Garam, my World Eaters Contemptor last month the 30k bug has finally bit me. For some reason Dark Angels as a Legion never quite appealed enough, but I've now found my Legion Love, a Shattered Legions Love to be exact. I am on track for 3000pts of Blood and Steel, my combined force of World Eaters and Iron Warriors. My goal is to build a 3000 point Heresy list that can be broken down, roughly into two 1500 point lists that Tim and I can play against each other here at home too.
World Eaters on the left, Iron Warriors on the right |
Converted Stalker pattern Bolters for an IW Recon Squad |
Geigor the Fell Hand converted to a WE Centurion |
I've chosen the colour scheme on the right for my IW, a little more classic but stil my own |
My Iron Warriors Praetor, I'm thinking of making a hammer for his Paragon Blade |
and a Chain Axe from Anvil Industry, great value! |
So as you see I've got a good start in building so far, but 3000pts is a big goal so this'll take some time. All the longer when I start thinking about the cost of Forge World models...
I plan on getting my shoulder pads from Shapeways, I've bought some
Pop Goes the Monkey products and been super happy with them. When it comes to third party a lot just isnt good enough, Anvil Industry however has a great reputation and I was very satisfied when my
Chain Axe order arrived, almost 50 of them is a good start for a World Eater army; gotta love +1S.
To help keep me motivated I've joined the
Age of Darkness podcast 'Two Week Hobby Challenge', here's hoping I don't spend too long in the Box of Shame with JP.