Friday, 19 February 2016

It Came From the Stars... A Slann's Tale (Part 1)

"Lord Soquala-Astrain left Lustria in his great temple ship enraged. He, and his Slann breatherin, the greatest of the Old One's creations had failed to peotect this young world from the vile eye of Chaos.

Soquala refused all contact, remaining within his ship's command chamber focusing his entire will upon travelling deep into space. He was determind to find the Old Ones, his burning rage had cooled down to a cold fury. He would find the Old Ones and demand of them an answer as to why the Great Olan failed.

For weeks, years and eventually generations none of Soquala's Skink aides saw him. Eventually they all passed away, and almost passed entirely from memory Soquala was so focused on his quest for an answer. No other Slann traveled out in to the depths so far."
From the First Orbit of the Lord Solar, Poldrakens Heart

This is the start, and currently the extent of the fluff I've dreamt up for my emerging Seraphon force. I imagine them, as the Battletome describes, as a force of celestial power, imagined into being by the Slann that leads them and fading away outside of battle. But I think he summons the same Seraphon to being each time, and through his experiencing their actions in one campaign they come back different each time, slowly developing a greater capability and understanding. Somewhat like Pokemon and their Pokeballs.

To capture some of this on the table I'm going with a starfield pattern on the skin of the Seraphon, which will hopefully show them to be 'made of the stuff of the stars' and give a nice uniform look to the army amongst the different colour of their scales. I also see the star pattern showing how Lord Soquala lost touch with almost the entire physical world on his journey and coming to battle now his mental constructs are not as solid or bound in tradition as many other Slann's are.

Obviously I have a way to go on the background for my army, I want to next write up some details about how Lord Soquala found his way to the Mortal Realms and what now motivates him to fight. For the time being I intend to leave very vague what he may have met out in the far reaches of space.

I hope you enjoyed this little look, please let me know what you think and any ideas on where I could take the theme.

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