Thursday, 21 January 2016

Age of Sigmar - The Poldraken Rex Constellation

Because I find myself with so much free time on my hands (not at all true), and most of my other projects are wrapping up now (also, surprise surprise, not at all true) I've decided it's time to pull out and dust off some WHFB boxes and turn my Lizardman sprues into a Seraphon army. I know most of the reviews of the new Battletome have been less than stella, but I find the new space faring reptiles of the imagination quite appealing. Mostly, as before, because of the great big dinosaurs, but also the freedom the Slann now have from the Old Ones plans make them a less predictable and more exciting force.

I've spent a few days now thinking about colour schemes and modeling posibilities, reading through all four pages of rules for Age of Sigmar, looking up more rules, such as the Clash Comp., HeelanHAGG and the Norwegian Masters comp to help me structure my army and considering a story and style to my 'Constellation'. One of the great, yet insignificant aspects of the Seraphon (don't Google that at work btw) is the army structure is based upon a comstellation model, each with a Slann at their centre.  With this fact in mind, I went to work. I found an image of a starscape and drew a dragon on top, this was a much better result than my attempt at drawing a dragon myself. 
The Poldraken Constellation

The mighty Poldraken Rex Constellation has plenty of stars, and a good few of them are nice and large to represent all of the big dinosaurs I want to field, now on their beautiful round bases. The initial list I'm going to work on is the models you now find in the Starter set, a Carnosaur, 12 Saurus Warriors and eight Saurus Cavalry. This should give me an opportunity to see if I like the game, army and paint scheme enough to continue. Then, as an example based upon the local NM comp I'd be looking to build something along the lines of the following: 

Plenty of big monsters and some tough space lizards running between the legs, great fun. So as I plan to start work on these next week, if I don't have the sense to push further in one of the earlier projects, I'll be posting some updates here soon. 

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