Friday, 1 January 2016


Hi to anyone who reads this, and a hearty welcome to you, we hope you enjoy this blog. Here's a brief introduction to us, we're going to aim for a regular if not overly frequent posting schedule here so try and hang around a few weeks and let's see what we can do with 2016. 

Okay, I'm Jay (@DrakePoldragon on Twitter), a British ex-pat in Norway and father to two small kids. I'm a gamer, nerd and big Star Wars fan. You may find me reading rpg rules, painting models for wargames or playing the occasional video game, likely from Nintendo or Bioware. My DnD group now play 5th weekly, I'm the awkward player who chimes in over Skype. Other than that my main hobby love is Warhammer 40k, I've a large and ever growing Dark Angels army as my focus, although I'm slowly getting more into historical and skirmish games.

Hi, I'm Tim a gamer who enjoys video games and board games as well as all things sci-fi and fantasy related. Mainly a console player but used to be a WoW player on the PC, currently getting stuck into the updated Destiny while checking out the latest indie offerings.
Jedi Master Jay
Jedi Master Tim

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