Monday, 31 October 2016

#Dreadtober Almost all Wrapped up

Happy Halloween

Well All Hallows Eve marks the end of October, and that's the end of #Dreadtober too, or is it?

Joe, the organiser has left us one last week, and one last (and potentially tough) exercise if we want to try it. That is to improve our photography skills. Now I've only recently begun with a white background and using light editing to get a better/cleaner image, but hopefully I'll get a chance to go over the tutorials Joe has offered up and do something impressive.

In the mean time I've been busy. I was away for a while last week helping family move house, so sorry about the lack of update, I've got models done though.

First up is The Fury, the name I came up with eventually for my Death Company Dreadnought. He's been taken by h Back Rage for so long that he doesn't know who he is any more.

The idea behind the bloody skull is to echo the duel colours of the rest of the Angels Sanguine

The Fury, Codicer Tuvian, Honoured-Ancient Brother Durant
A Brotherhood of Ancients

Then Garam, my bonus Dreadnought got done, like I took my first idea from another Dreadnought I'd seen on Twitter (Bruno Massa) I took Garam's base from @AwesomeClaw's work for his Tau.
I'm so pleased with Garam that I'm now planning on making a 30k force that I can use him in. More on that in future posts.

Worn and battered Garam never stops beleiving

World Eater legion symbol painted around the battle damage

What was he doing to get so worn on the rear?

The Legion Vexilla is perfect for the World Eaters

All Five #Dreadtober Dreadnoughts Complete


  1. Really liking your finished Dreadtober models but I must admit I am not a fan of the WE one. I think you did too much battle damage, it almost looks unpainted in places.

    1. Thanks. I am certainly pleased with everything I've accomplished this month. And you are right, he has been over weathered slightly. Overall I'm happy with the model, but as a first attempt at salt weathering it's clear I still have much to learn. Next time, hopefully, it will be better. :)
