Tuesday, 4 October 2016

The Remorseless - Dark Angels 9th Company - Demi-Company

WHW Command Tanks

Grand Master Xerophus, Master of Relics, The Red Blade of Stavros
His personal heraldry is on the two shields here

Landraider Excelsior

Rhino Primaris

Master Davial, The Iron Angel

Elixian, company Chaplain

The Remorseless, Command Squad

The Relic Guard - Squad Cadorush

Squad Amian

Squad Trayfal

Squad Lenial

Squad Ainstein

Ancient-Brother Cicarus

Honoured Brother Kain

The Pride

Lion Fang & Lion Claw

Grand Master Xerophus (Command Tanks)
• Land Raider Excelsior: Extra Armour; Rod of Command 220
• Rhino Primaris: Dozer Blade; Extra Armour 215

Brother-Chaplain Elixian (Interrogator Chaplain in Terminator Armour): Digital Weapons; Melta Bombs 155

• Honoured Brother Kain (Dreadnought): Twin Linked Lascannon; Twin Linked Autocannon; Extra Armour 140

Venerable Dreadnoughts
• Ancient-Brother Cicarus (Venerable Dreadnought): Plasma Cannon; Powerfist; Extra Armour 140

The Remorseless (Command Squad): Company Champion; Apothecary; Storm Shield; Company Standard; 2 × Meltagun 165

The Relic Guard - Squad Cadorush (10 Devestator Squad): Veteran Sergeant (Plasma Pistol; Thunder Hammer); 9 Devestator Squad; 4 × Plasma Cannon 250

Squad Ainstien (9 Devestator Squad): Space Marine Sergeant (Combi Plasma); 4 × Lascannon; Armorium Cherub 235

Squad Lenial (9 Devestator Squad): Space Marine Sergeant (Storm Bolter); 4 × Missile Launcher; Armorium Cherub 210

Squad Trayfal (9 Devestator Squad): Space Marine Sergeant (Storm Bolter); 4 × Heavy Bolter 185

Squad Amian (9 Devestator Squad): Space Marine Sergeant (Lightning Claw; Lightning Claw; Meltabombs); 4 × Grav Cannon & Grav Amo 315

The Pride (2 Predators)
• Lion Claw (Predator): Lascannon Sponsons; Dozer Blade; Extra Armour; Storm Bolter 135
• Lion Fang (Predator): Lascannon Sponsons; Dozer Blade; Extra Armour; Storm Bolter 135

2 500 points


  1. Love it, a full painted army is a wonderful site. Bravo.

    1. Thanks, I agree. Doing it, actually getting it done has really inspired me to do more aswell. I don't see myself having as intense a twelve weeks as this was again, but in the month since I've built 4000+ points of other armies lying around and got two units done towards my Battle Company.
